Payment Plans

Parents and students may choose whichever of the following payment plans is most convenient for them.

Payment Plans

The quarter’s estimated expenses (tuition, required fees, cafeteria meal plan, rent, estimated books and other expenses) plus any previous balance and less any awarded financial aid are paid before the student receives financial clearance for the new term. 

Students and/or parents are billed for actual charges as those charges are incurred. 

International (other than Canadian) students are expected to use the Regular Payment Plan. 

Finance charges will accrue on a past due balance.

The quarter’s estimated expenses (tuition, required fees, cafeteria meal plan, rent, estimated books and other expenses) less any awarded financial aid are divided into three equal payments. The first payment plus any previous balance is due before the student receives financial clearance for registration. The second and third payments are due by set dates during the next two months. 

Students and/or parents are billed for actual charges as those charges are incurred. 

This plan is not available to international students, except for Canadians. 

Finance charges will accrue on a past due balance.

Monthly Payment Plan Schedule


The schedule of monthly payments is as follows:





Down Payment +Previous Balance




Second Payment

October 25

January 25

April 25

Third Payment

November 25

February 25

May 25

All students must complete financial clearance each quarter. This online process available through myWWU requires students to review contact information (address, phone numbers, email address), choose a meal plan and confirm housing arrangements, make sure all paperwork for financial aid and loans is completed, make any required down payment, and agree to terms and conditions.

The deadline for is 4 p.m. the Wednesday before the start of classes. Students missing this deadline will have their classes dropped. Because other students may be waitlisted for one of these classes, students are not guaranteed reinstatement into their scheduled classes after financial clearance is completed.

During the financial clearance process, the student will be given opportunity to review and approve/deny several permissions (Students can also change their answers on myWWU):

  • Send the student a paper copy of their monthly statement of account
  • Send parents/sponsors/others a paper copy of their monthly statement of account
  • Permission for parents/sponsors/others to talk to Walla Walla University about the student’s finances
  • Permission for Walla Walla University to leave automated messages (voice or text) on the student’s cell phone
  • Permission for Walla Walla University to use up to $200 of any excess Title IV financial aid towards a previous balance*
  • Permission for Walla Walla University to hold the student’s excess Title IV financial aid until disbursement is requested*
  • Permission for Walla Walla University to use the student’s excess Title IV financial aid to pay for charges other than tuition and fees, campus housing, cafeteria and books (examples: club dues, activities, Express charges)*
  • Permission to apply Washington State financial aid directly to their account.

*“Title IV” funds include most federal programs of financial aid, including loans and grants. “Excess Title IV financial aid” occurs when a student’s Title IV aid exceeds the cost of their tuition and fees, campus housing, cafeteria and books. This is common for graduate students. This is not common for undergraduate students, except when parents take out large PLUS Loans, but we are still required to ask permission.

Walla Walla University offers two automatic payment plan options. To set up an automatic payment plan, go to and sign in, go to the Account Menu, then Payment Plans, then Add a New Payment Plan.

1 - Monthly Amount Due

The quarter’s expenses (plus any previous balance and less any awarded financial aid) are processed as automatic charges using one of the online payment methods listed below. These payments are processed around the 25th of each month. At the end of the school year (or sooner if a student finishes midyear), a final charge or credit is applied using the payment method.

During financial clearance, students on this automatic payment plan can choose to have their down payment processed that day or defer the payment to the due date. The due date will be the 25th of the month, or the financial clearance deadline date, whichever occurs first.

Many people choose this option because it reduces the time spent arranging payment and makes the user eligible for rewards many credit card companies offer (frequent flyer mileage, discounts, rebates, etc.).

2 - Recurring Amount

The same amount is processed each month, on the date of your choosing. When you set this up, you specify the date, dollar amount, and how many times you wish the payment to be processed.  Because some students use this to pre-pay expenses, these payments are processed even if the account is paid.

Itemized statements giving an account of the previous month’s expenses are issued monthly.  A student may choose to receive a copy of their paper statement. Students may request copies be mailed to third parties, such as parents or sponsor. All students have access to electronic copies of their statement. In addition, students may authorize other people to have electronic access to the student’s statement and account charges.

Cash is accepted at the Accounting Office:

WWU Accounting Office

103 SW 4th Street

College Place WA 99324

Due to security concerns, WWU discourages payments with large amounts of cash.

Paper checks and money orders should be made payable to Walla Walla University and sent to:

WWU Accounting Office

204 South College Avenue

College Place, WA 99324

Personal checks submitted for any tuition, fees, books, or other charges should have the student’s full name and ID number written on the face of the check.  Personal checks arriving without this information will have the student’s ID number written on them by WWU personnel. Should the payer prefer not to have the student’s ID number written on their personal check, payment should be submitted by cashier’s check, money order, credit card, or cash (in person only at the Accounting Office).

Electronic check payments may be made online at These payments require bank approval, and are subject to a $25 fee for payments returned for insufficient funds or incorrect account numbers. There is no fee for valid electronic checks. These payments are credited to the student account immediately when submitted.

Debit/Credit card payments may be made online at Payments made by phone or in person are processed through this same website. WWU accepts American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard® and Visa® credit cards. Credit cards have a 2.25% processing fee. There is no fee for debit card transactions.  These payments are credited to the student account immediately when submitted.

Students and others wishing to have funds electronically transferred (wire transfers) should contact Jordan Strode in the WWU Accounting Office at (509) 527-2312.

finance charge will be imposed on each item of a student's account that has not been paid by the statement due date. The finance charge is computed at the rate of one percent (1%) per month or an annual percentage rate of twelve percent (12%) on the past due balance.

The past due balance is computed by taking the statement's amount due and subtracting any payments, credits, or financial aid received by the statement due date.  A grace period may be given until the end of the month, at the University's discretion.  The remaining balance owing, if any, is multiplied by one percent to obtain the periodic finance charge.  The minimum finance charge is $1.

By action of the Board of Trustees of the University, a diploma may not be released until the following criteria are met:

The student’s account is paid in full.

The student has paid off any short-term loan co-signed by WWU.

The student’s Nursing, Perkins, or institutional loans are current.

The student’s loan exit interviews are complete. 


Because of fluctuation in Walla Walla University's financial position and the economy, the Administration and Board of Trustees reserve the right to adjust costs and policies throughout the school year to supersede published statements.